August 21, 2011

Uppu seedai

Seedai is really easy to make if we take care of certain things while making. The most important is to remove the moisture from the rice flour and urad flour. Also make sure the ingredients are absolutely without any dirt. 

If you are living abroad where you can't process the rice, skip the "processing the rice" step. But make sure to sieve it to remove any dirt/stones. 

There won't be fireworks in the kitchen
1. If you remove the moisture and dirt from the flour(so sieving and roasting is veyr important)
2. If you dry the seedai after rolling (15- 20 minutes)
3. If you add water little by little while binding.

Tips before making seedai
  • Prepare dough little by little. Even if the first batch doesn't come out well, we can mend it in the second batch.
  • Prepare the first batch, deep fry and check before starting the next batch. What happened to me today was I used a different brand of butter(Hatsun to the usual aavin). The fat content was so high in Hatsun that all the seedais dissipated in the oil. So from the next batch I reduced half the butter.
  • Don't let the seedai dry for an hour or so..That also will cause the seedai to dissipate.
  • Taste and texture of the seedai highly depends on the rice flour and urad flour. If the flour is of good quality then the resultant seedai will be of highest quality/texture. Otherwise as soon you drop in the oil, It will become dark.

Processed raw rice flour
Urad dhal flour
Sesame seeds roasted (You can get the roasted sesame seeds from shop or buy the white sesame seeds and dry roast this at home.)
Grated fresh coconut (make sure to remove the brown skin while grating or use dessicated coconut)
Salt to taste

    1. Saute the rice flour/wet rice flour in a kadai until the moisture goes.
    2. Prepare the Urad dhal powder also.
    3.In a vessel, mix the following ingredients
        Raw rice - 1 cup(approx. 200gms)
        Urad dhal - 1 tablespoon
        Sesame seeds - dry roasted - 1 teaspoon
        Coconut - fresh grated - 3 teaspoons
        Butter(Margarine or equal quatities of butter and cooking oil can be used) - 1 tablespoon
        Asafoetida - 1/2 teaspoon
        Salt - 1 teaspoon
        Water to bind the flour
    ( I was not able to upload the full video..So splitting the video into 2 parts)
    Mix all the above ingredients except water. Equally spread the butter, coconut and salt to the flour.
    4.Add water little by little (adding more water reduces the crispiness of the seedai.) It shouldn't be like chapathi flour.Just enough water to bind the flour should be sufficient.

    5.You are not supposed to roll it like gulab jamun(perfect round ball). There should be cracks which avoids  explosion. Just take a little dough, roll it using your thumb, index finer and middle finger and drop it on a newspaper or white cotton cloth(our own traditional dhoti will come handy).  Let it dry for 15 - 20 minutes (If the flour is wet, seedai will explode). Seedai will be crumbled even before frying if you dry for more than 15-20 minutes. Since we have added little water, it will dry very soon. 

    6.Heat cooking oil in a kadai(Use Medium to High simmering and frying). 

    Just fry one or two first to make sure it doesn't explode and also to check the temperature of the oil. If it's overheated you can simmer a bit and then increase the flame. Or if it's not hot you can wait for some more time to fry the next batch.

    7.Drop in the seedai batch by batch. Don't fill the seedais to the brim. Make sure the seedais occupy only half the oil. In the first step you can see froth coming out of oil as soon as you drop the seedai. 
    8.Take it out when the froth and the sound from the oil stops. Remember the colour will darken once you take it out from the oil. So don't wait you get the desired golden colour.
    9. Spread it on a tissue paper for sometime before storing in air-tight container.

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