August 21, 2011

How to process Raw Rice/urad dhal flour for snacks

To process rice flour(Eara arisi mavu)
Take 5-6 cups of rice flour. Wash and soak it for 15 minutes. Completely drain the water using a colander and dry this over a cotton white cloth for 30 - 45 minutes.  Then grind this in rice flour mill. Sieve  properly and store it.
The following process is only for seedai. For other snacks you can directly use the above processed flour. In a kadai, add 2-3 ladles of wet rice flour and saute it until it loses its moisture. Repeat the same for the entire flour.

To process Urad dhal flour(ulutham mavu)
Dry roast a cup of urad dhal without any oil. Cool it and make a smooth powder in a mixie. Sieve and store.

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