August 21, 2011

Vella seedai


Processed raw rice - 1 cup (approx. 200 gms)
Urad dhal flour - 1 tablespoon for 1 cup
Jaggery - powdered - 3/4 of the same cup used to measure raw rice
(Grate the jaggery before measuring)
Coconut - cut into pieces
Cardamom - 4-5 powdered
(Vella seedai will break if jaggery is more. It will become hard if jaggery is less.1:3/4 ratio will be perfect. )

1. In a kadai add jaggery with 1/2 cup of water( use the same cup which you used to measure jaggery and rice flour)
 2. Mix rice flour, urad dhal flour, powdered cardamom and coconut pieces.
 3. Once the jaggery melts, filter it and transfer it to the same kadai( wash the kadai before filtering the jaggery)
 4. Allow the jaggery to boil for 2-3 minutes. Since I took only a cup of raw rice, it started boiling very soon.
 5. Switch off the stove and fold in the mixed flour. Dough will be soft like chappathi flour.
 6. Cool  the dough and transfer it to a bowl. This can be made the day before of making the vella seedai for best results.( Just try to make this in the morning and fry in the evening)
7. Make gooseberry size balls. Deep fry in a medium flame.
(First fry just one or two seedais. If the oil is over heated it will become dark immediately. On the other hand if it has not  yet reached the desired temperature it may not cook at all. Always advisable to fry just one or two in the first batch. If vella seedai breaks just add little rice flour, mix again and fry. Still if you fail to get the right consistency don't worry..Add water and fry as appams.)

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