October 25, 2011

Khoa Kachori


For the outer cup
Maida - 2 cups
Butter - 1 tablespoon
Salt - 1 teaspoon

For the stuffing
( It's not necessary that you should use Khoa. You can use dessicated coconut along with dry fruits or dry fruits alone also. )
Khoa (Unsweetened) - 200 gms
Powdered sugar - 3-4 tablespoons
Powdered cardamom - 1 teaspoon
Dry fruits - cashew/pista/badam - chopped finely

For sugar syrup
Sugar - 2 cups
Water - 3/4 cup

1. Mix maida, butter and salt. Add water little by little and prepare a smooth dough. Keep it covered for 10-15 minutes.

2. Mix khoa, powdered sugar, cardamom and chopped dry fruits. Keep it aside.

3. Take a lemon size dough. Roll the dough like you roll for roti. It should be really thin. Take a small cup and cut into small small circles.
4. Now keep a teaspoon of the stuffing at the center.
5. Fold on all sides to get a square shape. Take a clove and prick in the center so that the stuffings don't come out.

6. Deep fry in a medium flame and spread on a tissue paper.

7. Prepare sugar syrup with one string consistency. (Refer gulab jamun and cocoa burfi recipe for one string sugar syrup).
Dip all the fried kachori's and keep it aside immediately.

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