July 28, 2011

Aama Vadai

This is one of the recipes which is prepared during auspicious days. This is called AAMA VADAI as the shape of the vadai resembles the back of the tortoise(Tortoise - aamai in tamil). Unlike masala vadai where only kadalai paruppu is used, three types of dhals are used for this aama vadai. Traditionally onions are not used on auspicious days. Over the years we have accepted the use of onions in the kitchen just like any other vegetable. My daughter loves to eat this with onion. So I make two portions of this batter, one for God and other with onion. I have always wondered why people make this vadai on Diwali day/Mattu pongal day. With so much of rituals going into every function in "Tambrahm" household, we all know that we are supposed to eat the goodies only after 'Neivedhyam' (offering to God). But on Diwali/Mattu pongal days we don't perform any Pooja. So Urad dhal/Ulutham paruppu Vadai is made on days where offering to God is a must and Aama vadai on those days where there is no 'Neivedhyam' involved. 

This vadai tends to lose it's crispness if it's made and eaten after hours. So keep the batter in the fridge and fry it when you want to eat. 

Thuar dhal _Thuvaram paruppu - 1 cup
Channa dhal- Kadalai paruppu - 1 cup
(Both the above dhals in same proportion)
Urad dhal- 2 tablespoons
Red chillies-2/3
Green chillies- 1
Salt to taste
Curry leaves

1. Soak all the paruppus/dhals together along with chilliies for just 45 minutes.
2.Wash and drain the water completely.Recipe is a very simple one..Trick lies in only grinding.Take half the quantity and grind coarsely.You have to very careful during this process. Just give a whisk for 4-5 seconds and do like this for  a maximum of 2-3 times. Take it out.

3. Grind the rest of the dhals the same way with curry leaves and salt.
4. Mix the batter well.

5. Make small balls and flatten it with your hands.
6. Deep fry in cooking oil.
Turn in between and let it cook uniformly.
6. Take it out when it's golden in colour.

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