September 17, 2011

Onion Rawa Dosai - Method 1

My mother makes excellent Rawa dosai in a jiffy using maida ( all purpose flour), Rice flour and Rawa ( I will post the other method to prepare rawa dosa soon). The recipe which I have given here is very simple, fast and tasty. I have used the regular dosai mavu( preferably 2-3 days old). Unlike normal dosai you should spread this dosai from the rim of the pan to the center. Hope the video helps you in better understanding. I have used a ladle for measurement. Use anything(ladle/cup/spoon) but use the same while measuring all the ingredients.

Dosa batter : Rawa: Maida -  8 : 4 : 1spoons(ladle)
Onion - chopped finely - 3-4 tablespoons
Green chillies - 2 tablespoons chopped finely
Cumin - 1 teaspoon
Pepper corns - 1 teaspoon
Ginger grated - 1 teaspoon
Curry leaves chopped finely
Salt to taste
If you want to make this even more rich, you can add cut coconut pieces and chopped cashews too.


1. Fold in 4 measures of rawa and one measure of maida to 8 measures of dosai batter. Add salt to taste. Remember dosai batter had already got salt, so add whatever is necessary for the rawa and maida. Stir the mixture making sure there are no lumps.

 2. Add 2 - 2 1/2 cups of water. It should be a really thin batter unlike normal dosai batter.

3. Check the consistency in this video. Mix chopped onions, green chillies, cumin, pepper corns, curry leaves and asafoetida.
4. Heat the dosai pan. It should be really hot when you spread the batter. The first one may not come crispy. Don't worry. Rawa dosai comes best after 2-3 dosais. At the end when the batter is getting over, you will get the best rawa dosais. So save yourself the last Dosai :-)

Take the batter in a ladle and start pouring from the outer rim of the pan and move towards the center. Take one more ladle of batter to complete the dosai. As you know the shape will not be a perfect circle like normal dosai. Apply oil on top and sides.
Turn the dosai once the bottom is crispy. Keep in medium flame and cook to get better results.
6. Serve the crispy dosai with chutney/ sambar.


  1. Hi Gayathri,

    I tried making this Dosai, but my dosai's kept splitting. It did get better towards the end, but the initial few were a disaster. Did I do something wrong? I used the exact composition as you mentioned.


  2. there may be two reasons..
    1. Ulundu content may be high in the batter
    2. did you use our traditional Dosai kallu(irumbu kallu), then I have seen my mom wasting 4-5 dosas...

    since you faced this problem, I will try the dosa again and get back to you sandhya..
    thanks for your feedback

  3. sandhya did you by any chance make bread or chappathi in the dosai pan before making rawa dosa..




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